Marvel's Big Comic Con Announcement

Jul 24, 2009 18:00

...was pretty anticlimactic, as announcements often are with Joe Quesada. It's not really a spoiler, it's not creative team news, and it's not casting news. The announcement: Marvelman officially belongs to Marvel. Interesting and important news, but certainly not internet-shaking, like Joe Q said it would be.

I did sit through the live coverage, though, and there were some interesting bits otherwise.

PAD was there, and he talked about Rictor and Shatterstar. He didn't say much new, but he did confirm that Guido is kind of freaked out by their relationship. He also confirmed that Jamie Madrox and Layla Miller have not had sex. You know, if you were worried. :P

Also, Matt Fraction commented on his use of Northstar, but he managed to answer the fan's question about JP's role on the team and still not really say a thing. Someone needs to give JP to someone competent.

There was also some talk of the Hulk and Thor, but it didn't amount to much. Mostly a lot of "keep watching for more news."

Also, they teased about Captain America (the book) and asked the audience whether they preferred Steve Rogers or Bucky.

And Deadpool will apparently be appearing in X-Force at some point. I don't read that title, though, so...


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