Today so far

Jul 14, 2009 16:46

1. I got a haircut today, and I look really cute. :)

2. I'm going to see Harry Potter at midnight with Kelley. We both have to work tomorrow, but we're such night owls, that we figured we might as well go and see the movie. We'll be up anyway, lol.

3. I'm thinking of posting my newest Celebrity Lust List, but I don't know if I'll get to it today. I'm finding that my tastes have ebbed and flowed quite a bit since the last time, so I think it's time for a major revision.

4. I've been screwing around on the Warehouse 13 page over at SyFy (or the more derisive Siffy). It's really cool. You can chat with Artie about the objects. Or you can screw with him and type random words in the request line. :D He's snarky and impatient, and it amuses me. Of course, I'm easily amused. There's also a quiz about famous artifacts, "consign your own object" feature, and a link with wallpapers.

tv: warehouse 13, fandom: harry potter

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