Being Human and an Icon Meme

Jul 12, 2009 02:35

I decided to watch a couple episodes of Being Human tonight. It's been a while since I've watched it, so I thought a mini-marathon was in order. You know, I just can't decide who to ship on the show. While I like George and Nina, I also find George and Mitchell rather intriguing. I know I have some fans of the show on my flist. Do any of you have ships for the show?

And now, an icon meme.

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

From carlitwo, I got:

Made by lay_of_luthien. Ah, the cargo jet scene. LOL! This is one of my favorite scenes from Heroes. Nathan and Matt had great chemistry together. And Nathan had great hair back then.

Made by suzyx. Sayid really looks sharp in black, doesn't he? I think it's the only icon I have where he's not wearing a tank top and khakis.

Made by lime_unleashed. This little fellow is an Asgardian, one of the alien races in the Stargate series. The catch phrase "for cryin' out loud" is associated with Stargate: SG-1's Jack O'Neill. I initially got it because it made me giggle, but I use it as my "pissed off" icon.

Made by _kissmygrass. I like to have a "thinking" icon on hand, and given my current obsession for Star Trek and McCoy, this one is a good match for me.

Made by michaela0823. I love castles. Really. It's a bizarre and geeky fact that I haven't spoken about much in my journal, but I love castles. The black and white in this one gives it a spooky feel, which I also like.

Made by messageinbottle. Talk about a couple who never got a chance, even though I thought they had an intriguing dynamic between them. :( I like this icon a lot because it looks like a photo that someone stuck in a scrapbook to commemorate a vacation...a vacation on Mystery Frickin' Island.

tv: being human, ship, memes

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