Torchwood: Children of Earth, Part 2 (Spoilers)

Jul 07, 2009 19:48

Much love for Rhys and Gwen together. They really are a lovely couple! Rhys's insistence on being a gentleman and carrying the bag so Gwen's trigger finger would be free was just adorable. And the scene where she told him she was pregnant... aaawwwww!

I am loving Johnny and Rhiannon and the kids SO MUCH. I liked David's sly little "that'll be from Uncle Ianto," as well as his warning that the home might be bugged. And Rhiannon's emotional reaction to the danger Ianto was in, as well as to his message in the card. And Johnny... "We're the only family he's got." *loves*

I loved Lois. I hope she does join the team.

Also nice to see some concern from Alice over her dad. I'm hoping she'll come out of this wanting him to be around more. Yes, he's dangerous. But he's the only dad she'll ever have.

And oh Jack. I found it really unsettling when he was screaming in pain and shock. And when they dumped the concrete in over him. That's just such an inhuman thing to do. I'm looking forward to that nasty woman getting a smackdown.

The look on Ianto's face when he was moving the concrete over the cliff really got me. He so didn't want to cause Jack any more pain, but he had to free him. Poor guys.

Speaking of faces... the look on Jack's face after he came out of the concrete... :( He's going to need more than a Ianto-huggle to recover from that.

tv: torchwood

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