Torchwood: Children of Earth, Part 1 (Spoilers)

Jul 06, 2009 21:49

First the radio plays and now new episodes. SQUEE!!!

Okay, so here are my comments. They're not terribly well thought out... more like wordy, semi-coherent gibberish. :D

Okay, so first of all, we start out in 1965 with a busload of children. And since they keep showing one little boy, I reckon he'll be important later. So... disappear into the light (taken by aliens, I assume). Intriguing so far.

Now we cut to Gwen (who looks fabulous, btw) and the first inkling of the unmoving kids. I notice that we're being introduced to a number of kids... David and Mica, Steven, those two girls.


And then they all start moving again.

Okay, Gwen is at the Torchwood Hub. "You two having shenanigans in the dark?" LOL! I wonder how many times (other than the hothouse) she's caught the two of them.

Nice nod to Owen and Tosh.

Cute doctor is cute. But what's even cuter is Jack and Ianto. I love Ianto's awkwardness at being referred to as a couple countered with Jack's nonchalance about it: "But we are. Does it matter?" This is the kind of interaction and exploration of their relationship I've been craving. \o/

Okay, so there's the father of the two girls, and he's meeting with a member of UNIT. And another newbie... Lois. Likable so far.

And through their discussion and the flurry of activity at the Hub, we learn more about the children. Oh, and a Martha mention.

Cute doctor is a potential new recruit. I liked the nod to Gwen's first encounter with Torchwood.

And more discussion of Jack's and Ianto's couplehood. This is clearly Ianto's issue rather than Jack's.

Ianto: "She's calling us a couple now."
Jack: "What's your problem?"
Ianto: "Just saying."
Jack: "I hate the word couple."
Ianto: "Me too."

Aw. I like the vulnerability we see in Jack here. Ianto is clearly having issues with their status, is still trying to get comfortable with a new life situation (especially if you factor in Ianto's bedside monologue in Dead Line). And Jack, oh Jack. He's probably used to people backing away from serious relationships. I know a lot of people see Jack as the guy who would do the leaving--and a fair amount of the time, I'm sure he does. But with serious relationships, I think Jack would be more apt to try and appreciate the time he has with his significant other and would stick it out to the end. I'm guessing, though, that a lot of his former partners might not be comfortable growing old with an unaging man.

And Ianto? Oh, you angst puppy. *pets* Enjoy the time you have.

Btw, I'm liking Gwen in this episode. I enjoyed her interaction with the doctor.

But right now, the screaming kids are distracting me! D:

Okay, now they're doing the chanting we saw in the promos. Very creepy. I second your "whoa" Ianto.

And now we're seeing that an adult man--the boy from the beginning, I assume--is chanting with the kids. Considering he said: "They found me," I'm guessing that's pretty definite.

Okay, Lois is reading up on Torchwood. Could she be a new recruit, or will see be like the temporary companions in Doctor Who Christmas specials... in for an episode and then off into the sunset?

Love the interaction between Rhys and Gwen. They're really an adorable couple. And hey there, Rhys... using your brain! I love that he's taking more of a role in the show. I hope the writers don't do something lame like killing him off.

Ianto: "Where are you going?"
Jack: "Now who's a couple."

Oh, snap!

Ah, we get to meet Jack's daughter! I was spoiled about that part, but I am surprised (and happy) that she's older, sensible, and settled. And there's Steven from earlier!

And Ianto's sister (including David and Mica from earlier). I love the relationship Ianto has with his sister. It's far from perfect, but there's love there. And LOL at Uncle Ianto pulling out his wallet--apparently tradition, judging from David's quick snatch and exit.

Jack's conversation with his daughter was enlightening and seems to back up my earlier thoughts about Jack's difficulties with long-term relationships. I find myself quite liking Alice. I understand why she's standoffish--I think she's wrong, but I understand it. I really really want her to meet Ianto. Of course, right now, that might freak Ianto out a bit.

I think both Jack and Alice came off as sympathetic in this scene. I liked Jack's "I found a gray hair" quip as he tried to offset an awkward moment. Also, I like that Alice called bullshit when Jack wanted to take Steven off and spend the day.

I quite like Ianto's sister. Their discussion of Ianto's love life was very revealing, not only of their relationship, but also of Ianto's issues with his burgeoning romance. Rhiannon acts exactly like my relatives do when I'm dating someone new, and I thought the scene was adorable. And I love her bluntness and acceptance of Ianto's sexuality. What really worked about this conversation, though, was the tentativeness from both Rhiannon and Ianto. When she said, "You never tell me anything these days," that pretty much said it all. Torchwood (and probably Ianto's difficulty in expressing himself) hangs like a shadow over their family. As an aside... I wonder if Rhiannon knows anything about Lisa.

Still, they have a great rapport. I loved Ianto's shy little: "He is handsome" and her enthusiastic response. And of course, this conversation confirms that Jack is the first man Ianto's ever been with. His awkwardness and her acceptance and understanding of his feelings played really well.

And then the brother-in-law showed up, lol. As annoying as he was, I found him likable from his good-natured "hi gay boy" to the bear hug to the asinine reaction when Ianto's car was stolen (bricks, wtf). I don't know. He offsets Ianto's seriousness, and I like him.

The interaction between Gwen and Timothy/Clem was quite nice. I actually quite like Clem. He seems really sincere, and I liked the shots of his and Gwen's hands as the lightly touched and he started to feel safe around her. And yes, it's confirmed that he was the little boy. No shocker.

Okay, Rupesh is off my happy list!!! D:

EEK! What are they putting inside Jack?!?!

Run Timothy/Clem!

Ianto: "Did they kill you?"
Jack: "Yeah."
Ianto: *huggles*

Gwen's response to finding out she was pregnant was adorable. As was Ianto's "Congratulations. Would now be a good time to tell you I lost the car." LOL!

D'oh! Jack has a bomb in his body!!!

I liked Jack manhandling Ianto onto the lift and then laying a kiss on him. And his "I'll come back. I always do." *wibbles*


So... this is longer than I intended and is very very rambly. So I'll end it with this: I can't wait until tomorrow, and I hope they plan on a Season 4 or more specials and radio plays.

ship: jack/ianto, tv: torchwood

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