Supernatural (Spoilers for "The Benders")

Feb 14, 2006 22:52

I freaking love this show.

Okay, so a bunch of crazy rednecks hunt humans for sport. Sure, this story has been done before, and sure there are some negative stereotypes of country folk. So what makes this episode good, even with the the familiar plot? Why, the brothers, of course. Dean and Sam hook me every time.

Not only are Jensen Ackles and Jared Padelecki terrific actors, they also have a couple of complex individuals to portray each week.

Some of the specific things I liked:

* Dean's desperation to find Sam, as well as his admission that he feels the burden of responsibility for him.

* Sam's little, "Thank God," when the deputy told him Dean was looking for him.

* Okay, the girly girl in me liked seeing Sam beat the snot out of the hunters. That's usually Dean's department.

* Dean got his ass handed to him by a little kid. Giggle.

* Sam had to rescue Dean from the little kid mentioned above. Snerk.

* I liked Dean's observation that he understands why the demons do evil things, but he can't comprehend the acts of normal humans.

* I liked the little nod to continuity with Dean's "death" in St. Louis.

Ooh, in two weeks The Suspicious Woman is back, and it looks like the boys find Dad (eh, it's probably a dream thing).

tv: supernatural

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