LOST thinkies, antisocial Sunday

Apr 19, 2009 17:21

I can't get myself interested in doing anything today. I did run my car insurance over and stopped at Subway, but I opted against grocery shopping, because I don't want to be around people today. I might do that picspam I polled you all on last week. LOST seems to have won, but I'll do the others in the coming weeks. I like having ideas for picspams!

Speaking of LOST, I rewatched "Exodus, Parts 1 and 2" and "The Other 48 Days" again, and I have a few observations:

1. Ana Lucia might just tie with Keamy and Walt's mom as my least favorite LOST characters ever. She was annoying for the get-go--when they introduced her in "Exodus," when she first interacted with Sawyer, Jin, and Michael, and especially during "The Other 48 Days."

2. I really like Cindy and hope we see her hanging out with The Others.

3. The Losties could really use Libby's services right now. She could probably sort Sayid out in no time!

4. Eko is far more annoying and unpleasantly self-righteous than I initially remember. I used to be quite fond of him, but all during my rewatch, I just kept wanting someone to smack him for his Silent Sally routine. D:

5. The Tailies, after it is all said and done, seemed to survive only to keep Bernard Nadler safe until they could bring him back to his wife and to take Shannon away from Sayid. Seriously, Jin, Sawyer, and Michael could have gotten home (and would have done much quicker) without them.

tv: lost

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