* I'm liking the two newbies, but I wonder how they're going to figure into all of this. It would appear that they "took charge" after the crash. I guess one of them might work for Widmore, but if Sun still occupies that position, maybe they have a different role to play.
* I am even more convinced that Widmore is the bad guy. The whole "showing up to help Locke" thing was just creepy. Was he really the leader of the island at one time? That's certainly possible, but I don't know. Richard didn't seem that impressed with him back in the day.
* I'm going through Sayid withdrawal. He barely had anything to do tonight, and he was Silent Sayid last week. (Though Sayid doing construction work was kind of hot.) I'm really jonesing for a Sayid-centric episode.
* Okay, Ben. This may make me sound like a Michael Emerson fangirl, but I'm even more convinced now that Ben is the good guy, and that he had a reason for killing Locke. I mean, if he actually just wanted info to get back to the island, why didn't he use his Super-Coercive Ben Skills to cajole the info out of him and let him kill himself? I don't think he had a particular vendetta against him that would make him want to do Locke in just for the satisfaction. Rather, he seemed resigned to giving leadership of the island to Locke. Plus, Richard seemed to decree that Locke's death was necessary, so maybe Ben knew that. Maybe the island wouldn't allow Locke to kill himself and still return, so Ben had to do it... Either way, I'm still in the "Ben's One of the Good Guys, Michael," camp.
* I didn't think this episode revealed any great mysteries. Seriously. We knew that Locke either killed himself, or that Ben killed him. We knew that he went to see everyone. But... I still don't know why everyone was all "Don't say his name!!!" in last season's episode. They were acting like he was Voldemort or something, lol. I expected him to have done something horrible, but the whole reaction is apparently just because he asked them to go back to the island? Meh.