Etcetera, etcetera

Feb 24, 2009 17:22

Not to spam you all, but...

1. I'm eating fast food tonight, because I'm too tired to even contemplate cooking. Nom nom.

2. The Torchwood love is spreading. Jason has started watching the show (he's three episodes in), and I discovered that one of my new co-workers, Molly, is also a fan of the show. I was telling her about Being Human this afternoon, and she was all, "I love British TV. Have you ever seen Torchwood?" So we geeked out for a while. She's also trying to watch Doctor Who. In fact, she's about to watch "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances" for the first time.

3. I'm planning on posting a picspam of last night's Heroes. Woot! I need the pretty. Yes, I do.

4. Speaking of Heroes, Jessica, Jenny, and I were talking about guys today. We all have pretty dissimilar tastes in men, but we agreed that Sendhil Ramamurthy and Santiago Cabrera are two damn fine looking guys.

5. I need to think of something to make for the bake sale at work (for our literary group). There was talk of muffins, but I'm not sure. I know I've been barred from chocolate chip cookies, because we're expecting a preponderance of them already.

tv: being human, muffins!, tv: torchwood, tv: heroes, tv: doctor who

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