My thoughts on Heroes and shipping

Feb 14, 2009 21:15

Anyone who has known me for a while knows that I ship prolifically. I can't seem to help myself. Now that Heroes has returned, I feel the need to put some of the shipping thoughts that have been swirling through my head down in a post. I'm probably an oddity in the Heroes fandom in that I don't ship Sylar with anyone, nor do I ever plan to do so. ;) Pretty much everyone else is up for grabs, though.

I'll put this under a cut, because I'll be referring to the two most recent episodes. If you've not seen those, beware of spoilers for those episodes.

Matt and Mohinder: This is one of my two primary ships for the series. I've been shipping them on an off since Volume 2. The actors have an abundance of chemistry, and I love the dynamic between them--they have a definite bond, and they challenge each other, but at the same time, they're both very flawed individuals. One of the things that really disappointed me during Volume 3 was that these two didn't interact. I may have disliked a lot of things about Volume 2, but this pairing was one of the two great things to come out of that season (the other being the development of Matt's character and backstory, in general).

It looks like Matt and Mohinder will be hanging around together a lot this time around. I hope they do, because two episodes into this volume, and my love for this pairing is already back. I loved Mohinder's reaction to Matt's newfound gift. Other people would have been WTF about the whole thing, but Mohinder was all nonchalant about it. Having him around will probably help Matt transition into his whole new "prophet" role. I'm particularly interested in how Mohinder will handle Matt's current thirst for vengeance and how Daphne (who I am convinced is body, no proof) will inform the dynamic as this volume progresses.

Noah and Sandra: This is my other primary ship. I don't ship a lot of canon ships--mostly because the writers always seem to waffle on the pairings I like or drag out the UST to ridiculous levels. This couple, though, has been canon from the start, and I find myself loving them. It would have been easy for the writers to dismiss Sandra early on, but she's developed into a strong, capable woman who is believable as the wife of Noah Bennet.

I hope the writers don't decide to kill her off or have something tragic happen to Lyle--I worry that they might. Their relationship isn't perfect, but they have a stability we don't see anywhere else in the show, and I think we need at least one couple who has that. Also, I think that having something happen to Sandra or Lyle (or God forbid, Mr. Muggles) would be far too cliched and would paint Noah (and Claire, probably) into a corner character-wise.

Peter and Mohinder: I keep flirting with this ship and have been since Season 1. They certainly look good together, and the gorgeous bits between them at the end of the premiere completely sucked me in. Those simple moments between them reminded me why I first saw potential in the pairing back during the first season. There's a beauty and fluidity between them whenever they're paired together onscreen.

I could totally buy these two together, and let's face it--neither one of them has a clue how to make a relationship with a woman work, lol. They might as well try something else.

Matt and Daphne: I love Matt, I love Daphne, and Daphne makes Matt happy. This can only mean that horrible things will happen to them. I enjoy them as a couple, even though they're not my primary pairing. I kind of get the feeling, though, that even if The Hunter hadn't come after Matt, things would have been rocky between them soon. Daphne might have tried to embrace a normal life, but I don't think she would have been able to do it. Then again, I seem to prefer my couples with to be dysfunctional, so that would be just fine. If I'm right, and Daphne is alive, I'm sure things will be far from hunky dory between them as we move forward through this volume. Which is okay, because Mohinder will be there to comfort Matt.

Sandra and Meredith: I can't be the only person who saw the chemistry here! I don't have a lot to say about them, except that I would totally them together. :D

Hiro and Ando: This is an oddball ship for me. While I see romantic undertones here, I generally lean toward a friendship between the two. They clearly care deeply for each other, and usually, I would ship a pairing that had a rapport of this nature. So why am I not mining every LJ comm for fanfic? To be honest, I think I have a hard time picturing Hiro in a real relationship. There. I said it. I still see him as a bit too immature. He was cute and innocent with Charlie, and that relationship suited him. But... I have a difficult time seeing Hiro as anything other than cute and innocent when it comes to relationships. That said, I don't think it's out of the question that I might officially ship them at some point...

Ando and Daphne: Oh, I feel guilty for shipping them, because Daphne obviously makes Matt happy. That said, I can justify this ship because Matt/Mohinder is one of my primaries. :) In any case, I've been picking up a vibe between them for a while now, and I think they have potential. They're not a main ship for me, but I wouldn't be opposed to something happening between them onscreen.

tv: heroes, ship

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