Picspam of the sci-fi variety!

Jan 31, 2009 23:01

Captain Jack

Two Captain Jacks!

Jack and Ianto.

Aw, stoic Ianto.

Badass Ianto

He should wear jeans more often.

Yeah, I like this picture.

Welcome to a whole new world, Sheppard.

Many of you know I have a thing for wet guys. Here's some wet and angry Sheppard.

I'm a sucker for a man in dress blues.

Batman did it all the time.

Yes, he spend a lot of time here.


This scene--and the whole sequence that led to the scene--cemented me as a Ronon fangirl. *thunk*

I love these pants. That's all I'm saying.

Major Lorne.

Aw, poor guy. He has to put with so much. And it's usually Sheppard's fault, lol.

Teyla and Lorne

Cameron Mitchell

Mitchell + 'gate = OTP

Flyboys are hot.

Bonus Todd!

tv: stargate: atlantis, hot guys, tv: stargate: sg-1, tv: torchwood

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