Morning recap so far

Jan 26, 2009 07:39

* Someone stole our office stapler. It's labeled and everything, but still, someone made off with it. D:

* I'm running a half hour behind schedule this morning.

* This winter thing is already passed its freshness date. Brr.

* Breakfast this morning was two chocolate chip muffins and some Dr. Pepper. Like I said: behind schedule.

* Today we do the English Reformation. I gave up trying to find a documentary on Thomas More, and I refuse to show some modernized all-star version. They usually tend to be over-dramatized and over-romanticized.

* Today is my late day--I'm here 12 and a half hours. I won't see my aprartment until practically bedtime.

* I still got a good parking space, despite my lateness.

rl: weather, rl: insomnia, muffins!, rl: teaching

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