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Jan 23, 2009 07:43

Actually, I prefer having an early morning class. Not only do I get up and get moving, but I also get a better parking space and have my side of the office to myself. \o/

Later today, we're having Phenicia's birthday party, so I'm going to run over after my 10 am class.

I think I might binge today on SGA episodes. I'm in the mood to watch some episodes from each season. Suggestions? I'm in a Sheppard mood, I think.

Also, I fell on the ice last night. D: I caught myself, but I managed to get my knees all wet. This marks my first wipeout of the season.

Well, I think my students should be wandering, half-asleep, into class. I'd better get myself down there.

see more puppies

tv: stargate: atlantis, rotflmao, rl: teaching

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