I still say that in the hotel scene, Ben and Jack are totally acting like they just had sex.
So... Richard and company don't travel through time? Interesting. Wonder what that means.
I now ship Daniel and Sawyer.
"You know, if you ate more comfort food, maybe you wouldn't have to go around shooting everyone." LOL!
Sayid kicking ass = hot.
Richard in glasses = hot.
Richard taking care of John = hot.
Richard, you are a pretty man.
Yay for Constant!Desmond! I still ship Desmond and Daniel. Yes, Daniel is shaping up to be a Little Black Dress.
Daniel has a mother!
"Oh yeah. Libby says hi." :o
Wow, Frogurt gets stuff to do!
No, Frogurt! Don't let Sawyer have your shirt!!!!!
Ben Linus, Drug Intervention Specialist!
I love Hurley and his dad. :D
A doctor, you say? Perhaps Hurley knows one.
Aw, Ben. Defending Looney!Jack. (He's probably afraid Jack will cry if anyone makes fun of him.)
"Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch?" LOL!
Aw, that's a nice moment between Hurley and his mom.
Hi, Locke. Long time (heh), no see.
Hurley, you dummy. Ben's one of the good guys!
NO! Dammit! It can't be over already!
Okay, one Wednesday show down. Now, I need to watch GHI and Criminal Minds. ;)