(no subject)

Jan 19, 2009 01:13

* I just watched "Outcast" again, and you all might throw things at me for this, but... I really like Nancy. I liked her the first time around, but I like her even more now. I loved her interaction with John, and and you know what? I would have enjoyed seeing more of her. Anybody agree with me? Does anyone know of any fics where Nancy is a character? They can be McShep fic, gen fics, John/Nancy fics. I'm open. I'd just like to ponder the relationship a bit.

* We're off for MLK Jr. Day at both schools tomorrow. *dances*

* I'm probably going to have to take the GRE again, since I took a couple of years off before my PhD program and let my scores lapse. That's okay, though. I don't mind taking the test. I did well last time, and I don't see any reason I won't do as well this time. Paying to take the test, though, I mind. It's $140 bucks if I take it before June. D:

* When I answer a Writer's Block question, I don't get my comments for that post e-mailed to me. Is anyone else having that problem?

* I think I was tagged for a meme a few days ago, but I can't find it. If you tagged me for a meme I didn't do, link me. :)

* Speaking of memes, you guys did great on the shipping meme from the other day!

* There are still two unguessed movies from the movie meme.

* Okay, more binging on SGA.

tv: stargate: atlantis, question, rl: phd

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