A few random things

Jan 16, 2009 17:24

First of all, it isn't much, but at least we're hearing something about the SGA movie. It's just a small thing, but it makes the movie more tangible in my mind. Now I want a damn date and cast list!

I ordered pizza tonight. Also, I just surrendered to the inevitable reality and stored the pizza shop's number in my cell phone. I call it enough, lol.

Because I'm being all nostalgic, and because it's too cold to go outside, here are my some of my favorite ships and

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John Crichton and Aeryn Sun. Ben Browder has the ability to make me cry, he's so darned sincere.

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John Sheppard and Rodney McKay. This is damn near canon, am I right?

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Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones. I want more scenes like this from "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang"... raw, emotional.

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Han Solo and Leia Organa. The moment between Han and Leia before Han is frozen of my favorites.

And since we're being totally random, here's a funny cat picture. :D

more animals

ship: mckay/sheppard, ship: jack/ianto, movies: star wars, rotflmao, tv: farscape, tv: stargate: atlantis, ship: han/leia, tv: torchwood

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