Too tired for such trivialities as subject lines

Jan 13, 2009 17:57


I went to bed at midnight last night, thinking I could get a few hours of sleep and wake up at 7 am. Instead, I woke up at 3 am and couldn't go back to sleep. Right now, I'm kind of going on fumes. I may decide to crash early.

I had planned to go to KFC for dinner tonight, but the weather was taking a turn for the worse, and I'm really tired. Instead, I figured I'd stop at Subway, since I had to go to Wal-Mart to get pop and donuts anyway. I ordered my food, and then I got handed off the cashier. I told her I wanted the combo with cookies and a drink. The woman proceed to get my cookie out, turn to her co-worker and ask, "Who baked these?" Her co-worker was like, "So and So." My cashier said, "She didn't do a very good job of baking them." Then she put them in a bag and handed them to me. WTF? You said the cookies are under-baked, and then you give them to me anyway? On top of that, she never gave me my cup. I'd complain, but I just don't care enough.

Also, here's a meme I snagged from ebonystar

Your result for The Pop Culture Archetype Personality Test...

The Monk

Ninja, Monkey, Zombie, Cowboy

Monks are humanitarian prophets and seers with deep convictions about weighty matters and clear insights into good and evil. They are idealistic champions of the oppressed and downtrodden, seeking good things for all (and poetic justice when wrongs are done) without any thoughts of personal glory or power. Fluent in languages and nonverbal communication, their complex characters and depth of personal talent brings them into contact with many. Yet they are not easily fooled, and are suspicious of others motives, being highly selective about the close friends they make. Both empathic and enigmatic, they often withdraw into themselves to focus on abstract theories and think about the inner workings of their minds and emotions. Their desire to share feelings and conclusions with others generally keeps them bonded to at least a few allies, but they prefer to do much of their true thinking quietly, often becoming so absorbed in thought that they ignore physical reality altogether.

Monks are often plagued by Avoidant behavior, feeling intense social discomfort and timidity due to a fear of negative feedback about their actions. Easily hurt by criticism, they turn away from all but a few close friends, and avoid all others unless they are sure of being liked. They avoid social activities and are shy when forced into them, and fear embarrassment if they show emotion or anxiety in front of others. They will go so far as to exaggerate difficulties in performing ordinary activities in order to avoid them, yet yearn for acceptance and attention while avoiding those very things that might bring them what they crave.

Famous monk types include Jimmy Carter, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Carrie Fisher.

Take The Pop Culture Archetype Personality Test
at HelloQuizzy

wtf, rl: insomnia, memes: personality

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