CSI: Miami and the first day of school

Jan 23, 2006 23:39

First off, I'm totally enamored with Ryan/Eric now!

Just when I'm ready to dump this show, the writers smarten up and put Eric and Ryan in scenes together. Squee! First of all, Ryan was so hurt and jealous when he saw Eric and Natalia (ew) together! Sure, he acted like it didn't bother him, but look how he prodded Eric for information. And then the little "office romances end badly" line.

And how cute was Ryan when he was trying to convince Eric that people always say he looks like Jake?

I never used to like Ryan, but he's grown on me. Now I want a Ryan Wolfe plushie.

Had my first day back at school today. I'm working for a professor I've TAed before. He's fun to work with. It's American History, which is my primary field of study. I checked my roster today, and I have lots of students with horribly complex names. It should be entertaining to see me try to pronounce them in discussion.

tv: csi: miami, rl: teaching

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