So I've been thinking a lot about Joe Flanigan's forearms...

Jan 02, 2009 14:32

* I'm excited about Stargate: Atlantis and Sanctuary tonight and very proud of myself that I didn't cave and watch them early. I'll enjoy them so much more as they air tonight.

* Next week, I might post that Stargate: SG-1/Stargate: Atlantis picspam I mentioned earlier.

* I bought The Mummy: Curse of the Dragon Emperor, so I might be watching that today.

* Anyone else nervous about the impending Doctor Who announcement? I'm not excited about most of the names being kicked around. Let's hope they don't cast someone lame in the role.

* Right, onto the forearms. I love forearms, and I love biceps. But recently, I seem to have developed a forearm kink, and it's all Joe Flanigan's fault. Which do you prefer? Biceps or forearms?

Poll Arms poll

tv: stargate: atlantis, tv: sanctuary, actor: joe flanigan, poll, movies

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