Lunch, shopping, fandom meme

Dec 30, 2008 23:55

First of all, lunch with Jonathan went well. We went to Bob Evans, and he amused me greatly. A bit of context: Jonathan is a 9th grade English teacher in the Bronx, and most of his students are inner-city types. At lunch, he was rattling off the names of the books in the Twilight series. He's started reading the first book and is planning to watch the movie after hearing about it from his students. I remember back when he used to read Proust and talk about theory; now he's seems to think more about Kanye West and 50 Cent, lol.

After lunch, I went to Borders and bought a Sherlock Holmes book and The Buzzard: Inside the Glory Days of WMMS and Cleveland Rock Radio--A Memoir. I've been dying to read it since the author did the book signing last year. I wanted to look at the comic books, but the store was packed, and I didn't want to hang around a store full of rude people. I also am thinking about buying a couple of DVD boxed sets. I was looking at Season One of The X-Files, so that might be one of them.

Also, here's a Fandoms in 2008 Meme I snagged from dexterette:

1. What fandoms did you acquire in 2008? Sanctuary and Doctor Horrible

2. What fandoms did you let go of in 2008? House

3. What fandoms did you mean to get into but didn't in 2008? Why? I've been meaning to really check out The Mentalist and Eureka. My schedule was been kind of icky last semester, so I didn't have the time.

4. What fandoms do you intend on checking out in 2009? Dollhouse, The Mentalist, and Eureka. Also, I might give Merlin a whirl, if only to figure out what the people on my flist are going nuts about. ;) Should I? Those of you who watch it, tell me why you love it.

5. What fandoms do you think you might let go of in 2009 unless things significantly improve? I'm kind of meh about The Unit. I love Scott Foley, but the show has kind of fallen into blahsville lately.

6. What fandoms do you think you'll never let go of no matter how crappy they get? Why? I have to agree with dexterette on this: CSI. Nick Stokes has kept me watching through good and bad, and I don't think that will change. Also, I can't imagine ever letting the Stargates, Torchwood, or Doctor Who go. They're keepers.

7. What show impressed you most in 2008? I'm going to have to say Sanctuary, because it's shiny and new and fantastic. Also, Stargate: SG-1, because Continuum was AMAZING.

8. What show impressed you least in 2008? Probably House, but it's mostly because the only good female character on the show is Cuddy. Really, it's the women on the show who are driving me away.

EDIT: I didn't italicize the fandoms, and now it's bothering me so much I'm thinking about editing it to fix them. Must resist.

memes: fandom, tv: stargate: sg-1, rl: update, tv: general, tv: sanctuary, rl: shopping, tv: x-files, tv: house

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