Icon Meme

Dec 09, 2008 14:27

Snagged by looking4tarzan

Default made by lalpadme

Oldest made by jaeliyah

Newest made by casett

Saddest made by casett

Happiest made by bm_shipper

Angriest made by dontburnme

Cutest made by tvm

Sexiest made by ailurophile6

Most Humorous made by casett

Favorite Ship Icon made by taibhrigh

Icon I Use the Most (apart from the Default) made by ailurophile6

Favourite overall made by lalpadme

How many icons do you have total?

How many can you have?

If you could buy space for more, would you?

Do your icons make a statement about you?
They give people a picture to associate me with, so yes.

What fandom do you have the most icons out of?
Stargate: Atlantis

The second most?
Stargate: SG-1

What ship do you have the most icons out of?

How do you categorize your icons?
Sometimes by character or actor name, but sometimes, I use a descriptive adjective or a phrase that'll help me remember which icon it is.

Are your icons mostly made by other users?
Mostly by others

Animated icons are...

memes: icons

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