So much for going to sleep. I've taken to lying in my bed with a heating pad over my face. I think I'm dozing off slightly and then regaining consciousness. I need to be better by tomorrow. I can't afford to miss the day.
I'm also really hungry, so I'm going to defy my toothache and eat a chocolate covered cherry. The real kind with a 100% liquid center.
It's time like these I'd really love it if my mother lived closer, so she could give me some mommy TLC.
In other news, I've always wanted a pony.
Dear Santa...
Dear Santa,
This year I've been busy!
Last Monday I punched
alessiana in the arm (-10 points). In August I helped
thecomfychair across the street (6 points). Last Wednesday I gave change to a homeless guy (19 points). In June I signed my organ donor card (28 points). Last Saturday I didn't flush (-1 points).
Overall, I've been nice (42 points). For Christmas I deserve a pony!