I'm bushed, so these will be brief:
Yay for Carson/Rodney bonding! Oh, how I've missed it. Loved the bits between them. For me, they were the episode. I totally called that Carson had the virus, though.
Loved Rodney's attempt to escape the way Sheppard normally would, even though he had no idea how to fly the dart.
And yay for Teyla actually getting to do something!
Also, I was pleased that Lorne at least got a passing mention at the end.
And what was an epic win? No Keller!
I'm loving this show more and more. I'm confused, though, why Christopher Heyerdahl gets top billing and Ryan Robbins only gets a guest credit. Ryan has been in every episode so far, and Chris has been in what? One?
I'm liking how the structure of Old City is coming together--all of the layers and characters. I also like that Sanctuary is something some of the abnormals whisper about.
When Malcolm was originally captured, I wondered if he was really Nomad, but then I was like, "Nah, they won't pull a Henry Gale." But they pulled a Henry Gale!