Stargate: Atlantis--Lost Tribe and Sanctuary--Fate Morgana

Oct 10, 2008 21:03

Okay, I know Joe Flanigan is the star of the show, and I get that Teyla is close to John. BUT when she and the doctor found John and Radek, they tended to John and only seemed to notice Radek as an afterthought! They just left him lying there. D: Hello, there were TWO people in that tower! Of course, I'm sure that Lorne will give him some TLC later.

By the way, I find it really hinky that they not only survived that blast, but they were also relatively uninjured. It was a big, freaking BOOM!

Woolsey: "I don't think this should count toward the minute." WIN!

D'oh! The Travelers! That dark-haired traveler chick is hot, btw.

Also, I've decided that Lorne must be back on Earth or on a mission elsewhere. Why do I reach this conclusion? Because otherwise, I'd be offended as hell by John leaving Teyla in charge and saying, "I need someone I can trust to be in charge while I'm gone." What? Is he an incompetent? *fumes*

Also, way to waste Teyla, writers.

Ronon-logic. If you want to break it, shoot it.

Poor Zelenka, working with a teenager. :D

Ronon, you fell for the old distraction tactic.

I was spoiled for the Pegasus!Asgard, but I still got a big smile on face when climbed out of that suit. I love Indignant!Daniel. Michael does moral outrage so well. It makes me miss the old days when Daniel told Jack off every other week for some science/culture versus military argument. When he launched into his "The Asgard I know" diatribe... Good times!

I've got to tell you, though. The head Asgard guy is a jerk, but he knows how to tell Daniel off. "And look where it got them." Ha! The interaction between them was golden.

Wow, Todd is good at laying on the guilt.

Daniel: "You know, it has been proven that referring to yourself in the third person is a sign of mental instability."

Rodney: "Mentally unstable like a fox."

Rodney and Daniel, I love you. You should shack up and be snarky and hot together. John could join in on weekends.

Did I blink and miss Caldwell?

My heroic geeky scientists! Rodney was so brave in this episode. And Daniel! He's got a history with radiation. D: "Great pep talk!" *loves*

Marks! Is he going to get to do something heroic? No, because he was "a moment too late." What is this? Pick on the minor characters day?

Uh oh, Keller is about to give Ronon the "let's be friends" speech. Ouch. I don't really like them as a couple, but I really felt bad for him, getting stung like that. :(

Daniel: "It hurts to eat this fruit cup."
Rodney: "Then don't eat the fruit cup."
Daniel: "Thank you, Groucho."

I want Daniel to stay on Atlantis! Seriously, you guys. Daniel is one of my favorite characters of all time, and I miss him. In those final moments between him and Rodney, I got a little teary-eyed. *cries*

I also miss Lorne. I hope this is an indication that Kavan has been doing episodes of a certain other show I love.

Okay, it'll be interesting to see how much they change this, as it was a cliffhanger in the online series.

CHUCK! Oh, the elevator scene was priceless. First of all, I like that they've given Will a personal life. But his interaction with the Two-Face Guy was just outstanding. I was pleasantly surprised by Chuck's appearance (and his/their twisted personality).

Poor Henry, our damsel in distress. :P

I'm really excited for next week's episode. It'll be the first one that it totally new!

ronon dex, tv: stargate: atlantis, tv: sanctuary

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