Don't expect much lucidity

Oct 05, 2008 18:30

* Still feel yucky to the extreme. Being sick fails.

* I think I'm having harvest apples and cheddar potatoes for dinner tonight.

* I got the requisition form for Spring books, but I'm still undecided. The results from the poll I posted were interesting, but also all over the place. I might post another poll in the next day or two. I'm considering Candide, but I'm also waffling and thinking about doing Frankenstein again. The students from last year liked it, but I didn't get to do much with it in class. I'd like to teach it properly and give more attention to Romanticism. However, I also feel like I should assign a non-Western book, since the second book I assign will almost certainly be some kind of Cold War book. I don't know. I reckon I should teach something I love rather than something I feel duty-bound to teach.

* I can't get excited for Sunday night TV. I'll probably watch Cold Case and enjoy it once its on, but I can't get excited about it.

* I had a weird random fandom thing happen on the way to see my mom yesterday. I mentioned to my aunt and uncle, who are only peripheral television watchers that I got NCIS, Season 1 on DVD. I know they like that show. Anyway, out of the blue, my uncle goes, "So do you think Tony and Ziva are ever going to get together?" :o

* I think my heater is broken. I have heat, but it seems to get REALLY hot.

* I was thinking Arby's earlier, so I thought myself down the road for lunch, and I drove past a group who was protesting abortion. They were lining the roads in front of the restaurants. It seemed like a random place for a protest.

* I did a quick run-down of all the stuff I want to cover next semester in Civ II, and I just know I won't have time to do all I want. I think I'm cutting Victorian England and the English Civil War. :(

* I just made a quiz for my US students. I'm sure they'll be unhappy with that, but I've got to quiz them to get them to read.

* I think I'm going to binge on that Navy NCIS box set I mentioned. I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, even though I've had it for teh better part of a week.

* Mmmm... Harvest apples...

* Also, I hope icons and good slash fic start appearing for the Sanctuary fandom, soon. I haven't been blown over by any fanworks yet. The problem with a new fandom is waiting for things to get rolling.

* I've been doing a lot of these bullet point lists lately. It's really becoming a problem. D:

* Also, Matthew Gray Gubler is adorable.

rl: family, rl: health, tv: sanctuary, books, rl: teaching, tv: ncis

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