Torchwood and Fringe

Sep 10, 2008 18:41

I've missed these guys!

This was a well-put together radio play, and it was good to hear those voices again. I loved the Ianto/Gwen interaction. If the write her like this when the televised shows come back, I may start liking her! The little Jack/Ianto moments were quite welcome--you could just tell how very much Ianto was enjoying the whole ambassador schtick.

The handling of Owen's and Tosh's deaths was well done. I'm glad to hear the they did have a funeral and that Martha attended. I had been a bit concerned about how the writers would handle the deaths, but it's good to see that they aren't just plunging the storyline forward without giving us closure. Ianto broke my heart when he begged Gwen to let him go, btw.

Some favorite lines:

"My personal assistant."

"My bike has a bell." *ding ding*

"Get ready for the biggest hug of your life."

It's a darn shame we can't have Glowy!Ianto icons, though, lol.

I may have to wait a couple of weeks to be sure, but I think I might have another fandom!

I already love Peter Bishop. Of course, I've really missed seeing Joshua Jackson on a regular basis. His wit is sexy, and the scruff suits him. :D I'm really pleased to see him getting a chance to play a character who actually uses his brain on a regular basis.

I'm neither here nor there about Olivia as a character. I've noticed that I often take time to warm up to female characters, though. At least she's not a Kate Austen. She definitely has chemistry with Peter.

Walter is big old crazy win, of course. He and Peter have some wonderful and subtle scenes together--often stuff happening off to the side while other things were going on. The actors play off each other extremely well.

Also, Astrid cracked me up. I love how she was just milling around in the background, and no one really seemed bothered to talk to her until Walter was like, "Who are you?" LOL! As he asked that, I was sitting there wondering that very thing.

My favorite scene has to be Astrid, Walter, and Peter watching cartoons. "Surprisingly profound for a cartoon about a sponge."

Yeah, I'll k

tv: general, tv: torchwood

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