We're officially back for the semester

Aug 25, 2008 23:21

Today wasn't bad, except for my lack of sleep and the fact that I didn't take enough food with me to work. I've had the first day in two of my classes, and I have one class to go.

Jason, an old friend from college, stopped by to see me. He's starting his first semester of teaching. It's fun to have people you hung out with in college suddenly become your colleagues. We're kind of going through the whole culture shock of moving forward in our careers at the same time. He's also facing the impending PhD monster like I am. I think he's going to go to Korea for a year first, and teach ESL, though.

Another friend of mine told us he's going to be a father again. This will make child number four, so that's pretty great.

I'm not feeling especially well this evening. I think it's lack of sleep and eating on the run. I took an hour nap this afternoon before I had to be back on campus, and that left me too little time to eat lunch and get gas. I tried to eat some Ramen noodles, but they just didn't want to go down, so I grabbed some cookies and bolted for the door. I was doing fine until about 6 or so, and then I started dragging. Five fudge-stripe cookies, a few spoonfuls of Ramen noodles, and three cans of Doctor Pepper isn't exactly the foundation for a healthy body. Tomorrow, I pack a proper lunch.

All right, I think I'll head to bed. I have another long day tomorrow.

rl: health, rl: teaching, rl: phd

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