Ship-related picspam (part one)

Jul 20, 2008 22:57

I did a picspam of hot sci-fi guys a while back, but I've decided to do a ship-related one tonight. This is part one, because I have a shower to take and a bed to hang out with.

Han and Leia (Star Wars). Every shipper has to have a first ship, and this was mine. I used to pore through sci-fi magazines between movies and worry about what would happen to Han. "I love you." "I know." Yeah, I didn't stand a chance.

Mike and Martin (V). Most of what I learned about shipping and fandom early on, I learned from these guys. I was a kid back then, and I was supposed to ship Mike and Julie (the female lead), but I found myself imagining little scenes between Mike and Martin, instead. I was a little slasher before I even knew what slash was.

I was slashing the guys even back then. I should have known something was up. :D

Jack and Daniel (SG-1). One of my most important and longstanding ships. For me, their chemistry was one of the cores of the SG-1. Here are two men who can have a conversation just by saying each other's names.

I love this pic because they look like they've been caught in the act, lol.

Jack and Ianto (Torchwood). What's not to love? Jack's the handsome, chiseled hero, and Ianto is his snarky significant other.

One of the things I love about them is their dysfunctional beginning. Will they have a happily ever after? Who knows. But the fun is in the journey.

I'd like to see more tender scenes with real emotion like this one. Snogging is great, but I want to see depth. I liked this scene because they had a quiet conversation, and you could see that both men felt something more than lust.

Daniel and Sam (SG-1). To me, they have a lot of potential as a couple. They're good friends who have been through a lot and who could build on that foundation.

And they look good together! Loving this ship can get you filleted on some SG-1 sites, but I think their chemistry is an untapped treasure.

Daniel and Vala (SG-1). It's not my main ship, but they do have some smoking chemistry.

I would like to have seen more give and take between them, though. A lot of times, I felt they were playing a bit too much on the old 1940s movie vibe, where Daniel was the big strong man, and Vala was the goofy gal who needed to be taken care of.

This is my main X-Men pairing. I love their passion and the fact that both characters are strong as individuals. Unfortunately, Peter Milligan reduced them to emo whiners who's entire relationship boiled down to the fact that they couldn't have sex. *headdesk*

Kate and Sawyer (LOST). They're pretty much my main ship on LOST. TO be honest, they remind me a lot of Gambit and Rogue from the X-Men. Except Kate isn't nearly as likable as as Rogue.

Aeyrn and Crichton (Farscape). Can't leave these two out. Ben Browder and Claudia Black have some of the most amazing chemistry ever. They're just brimming with it. They can make the most minute scene incredibly sexy.

Two/Jamie (Doctor Who) Talk about two men with the touchie-feelies! Ten couldn't even bring himself to tell Rose he loved her, but Two and Jamie were handsier than a hooker and a client with money to spare. Seriously, how can you watch them and not fall in love with them?

Nine/Jack (Doctor Who). I still can't decide whether I think they did anything more than kiss. I could see them having a no-strings one-nighter, I suppose. I still tend to think of The Doctor as Jack's one great unrequited crush. The unattainable.

Gwen and Rhys (Torchwood). One of the main reasons I don't support a Jack/Gwen pairing is that I love Gwen and Rhys so much. I like that this ship goes against the grain a bit in that they're not the typical leading man/leading lady couple. Rhys isn't conventionally handsome, but he's the kind of guy most women would consider themselves lucky to find.

He truly loves Gwen, and he's shown that he's willing to weather her crushes, her job, and even an alien pregnancy.

Owen and Tosh (Torchwood). I found their relationship really endearing, and I love that it was clumsy and not clearly defined and bells didn't chime in the background when Tosh admitted her love for Owen.

movies: star wars, tv: lost, tv: stargate: sg-1, tv: doctor who, tv: farscape, comics: x-men, tv: v: the miniseries, tv: torchwood

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