My Obsessions

Nov 17, 2005 12:35

I should probably be doing schoolwork right now, but I've been thinking about the status of my life the past few days. I've realized that I have one of those jobs that I can't let go. I'm a full-time graduate student and teaching assistant. I do little else but worry about school. That's not good for my physical health or my self-confidence (which has been compromised lately). In addition, I haven't really posted about this, but I spent part of last week in and out of the ER with an abscess.

Soooo, instead of angsting about school or health, I have decided to spend a few minutes thinking about some of my FUN current obsessions.

Well, duh. Everyone on my flist knows I'm obsessed with CSI. I'm concerned about tonight's episode, partially because I'm worried about Brass. *hugs him* I'm also worried about the moustache. Is it gone tonight? Or is it still with us? Don't get me wrong, I can learn to live it. It's just that with the moustache, Nick looks like my dad. Granted, my dad was cute when he was younger, but how can I slash someone who reminds me of my dad???

I've been obsessed with these for years, but the bug has bitten me again. I'm starting to get excited for the new X-Factor series. A series featuring Multiple Man, Siryn, and Rictor has just got to be fabulous. And I'm hoping Shatterstar will show up so the writers will be forced to deal with the chemistry between him and Ric.

*everyone on my flist is probably staring at the computer going, WTF?*

I'll admit I haven't had time to watch it much lately, but I love LOVE the show. Last night's episode was fantastic, although I was going through Sawyer withdrawal until the end. I can't wait for Bernard and Rose to reunite. I've always liked Sam Anderson, and I know if he starts bawling when he sees Rose, I'll cry too. :) I'm not crazy about Ana Lucia (she's hot but really annoying). Next week's follow-up on Shannon's death should be interesting, if for no other reason than I want to see Sayid Angst. And Wounded!Sawyer.

How did I NOT watch this when it was on originally? I'm in love with Crichton and Aeryn. And strangely...Pilot. *blush* The interactions between the crewmembers are enthralling. The characters and their relationships are drawn with a surprising amount of complexity. I can't wait to be pulled further into their lives and backstories. And Ben and Claudia? DROOOOOL.

This obsession still hasn't worn off, and I've been following his career for years. I'm still pissed that he was killed off of DH so soon. I didn't like the show, but at least I got to see him on a regular basis. He seems to prefer television to movies, so he should resurface soon. I know he's supposed to be in some kind of cheesy family movie called Firehouse Dog. Not his usual fare, but I'll watch. I guess I have to give him a break. He has little kids, so a family movie probably has some appeal.

This is him, by the way:

tv: csi, tv: farscape, tv: lost, comics, actor: steven culp

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