From the TV Guide

May 30, 2008 19:25

Some of you probably already read this, but I haven't seen anyone mention it, so...

First off, Criminal Minds. Talking about the SUV explosion in "Lo-Fi," Executive Producer Ed Bernero says, "The person who was injured was the right person to have been injured, and it will all make sense when you see the rest of this story." Hunh. So it sounds like everyone survives. How anyone survived that ginormous explosion, I don't know. Well, dexterette, there goes our chance to get rid of Prentiss. :/

As for CSI, it looks like the writers aren't going to waffle out on killing Warrick, and we will get some closure. And to me, it sounds like he won't die until next season. Executive Producer Carol Mendelsohn says, "The premiere is the last time you will probably see our entire cast together. Our original cast. And that means Sara Sidle as well."

tv: csi, tv: criminal minds

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