Lost Finale--Spoilers

May 29, 2008 22:59

Featuring industrial-strength spoilers, incoherent squee, and lots of WTFs.

Okay, where do I start? Once again, LOST has delivered a mind-fuck of epic proportions.

Moving the Island: Freaking brilliant! I knew they were going to do it, but it was still freaking brilliant! I loved Ben and the frozen wheel, and I loved everyone's reactions.

Ben: First of all, Ben belongs on the Island, you bastards! Give him back!!! I have a feeling he intends to go back with Jack and the others, though. If there's a loophole to be found, Ben will find it. Of course, that's assuming he was telling Locke the truth in the first place. This is the twisted manipulator we all love, after all. He might have been lying like a dog. In any case, Ben without the Island and the Island without Ben is just so many shades of wrong wrong wrong.

Widmore: So does anyone else think Widmore moved the Island before Ben?

Kate/Sawyer: Every time I think I've shaken them off, I just get grabbed by the throat with this chemistry and passion. They are so incredibly right together, and he's shown that he's willing to sacrifice his own happiness for her. *wibble* The poor guy probably think she's dead. Jack/Kate doesn't hold a candle to these two, imho.

Sawyer: Someone needs to icon Wet Shirtless Sawyer immediately!!! I need an icon!!! I need picspam! And those dimples when he was talking to Juliet. Squeeeeee!!! It should be a rule that he gets wet in every single finale. It does a red-blooded female a world of good. ;)

Jack: Yeah, emo as usual. I did like his whole "conspiracy of silence" thing, though. Seriously, I hope the writers tone down the woe as me aspect of Jack's character next season, because I really love Matthew Fox, and I want to love Jack again. Ooh, and what bad things happened after Jack left?

Jin and Michael: Baaaasstards!!! Well, in terms of Jin, anyway. What a freaking useless death. Although I'm half-expecting Jin and Michael to turn up alive on the Island next season. They could have been in the water, or that crazy ass Island could have jumped them through time and space. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's a possibility. We know Christian showed up and told Michael he could "go now." He could die? He could leave the boat? In any case, I think Jin and maybe Michael will turn up alive.

Sun: So I'm assuming she contacted Whitmore to get vengeance on Ben? But how does she know Ben killed Keamey? Or maybe I'm just assuming, and she really does blame Jack. Hmm... It just doesn't make sense to me that anyone would be in a position to tell her that Ben is responsible for the explosion on the boat. But she seemed to know that someone other than the Oceanic Six got off the Island. She knows about Desmond, but does she know about Ben? Did Locke tell her about Ben? Why would he? Or maybe she's after Widmore and is setting him up by working with him?

Walt: WAAAAALLLLT! I felt so sorry for him when he said no one came to see him. :(

Hurley: I loved his resignation that he regularly sees and talks to dead people. He's just like, "yeah, I'm playing chess with Mr. Eko. Same old shit." I squeed when Sayid came to get him out of the mental hospital.

Sayid: My love for him exploded anew tonight. He's a sexy, enigmatic man, and I love him. I don't even have coherent thoughts right now.

Desmond and Penny: D'awwwwwww!!! I hope Ben decides not to kill Penny now that Des has finally been reunited with her. Granted, Penny's not a startlingly well-developed character, so in that respect, I don't care. But Des would be such a sad and depressed woobie if she died. On the other hand, if he's meant to return to the Island with the others, she's probably not long for this world.

Miles and Charlotte: I really like Miles, and I look forward to some character development next season. I loved how he was all, "I think I'll stay." He was just so matter-of-fact about it. But Charlotte? WTF? Did I miss something earlier about Charlotte having been to the Island before? (It's possible, as I missed an episode this season). She just become infinitely more interesting to me.

Daniel: So... was Daniel and his passengers with him when Ben moved with the Island? He did have passengers, right? I was kind of bouncing off the walls, so I might've missed something. If Daniel's boat wasn't movied, why he picked up with Jack's boat? They never really showed us what happened to him. He just had no-name Losties with him, right? Bernard and Rose are safe on the Island?

Claire: WTF with chocolate? This doesn't answer my "is Claire dead or alive?" question. It does, however, make Claire seem really creepy.

Juliet: Well, she didn't do much, but the bottle of rum on the beach was a nice touch. I like her, but I hope the writers don't hook her up with Sawyer.

Richard: I just love him. He's so handsome and trustworthy-looking that you know he can't really be trustworthy.

Locke: So WTF?!?!?! Did he have to move the Island, too? Is that how he wound up back home and in a coffin. WTF!!! He was in the coffin!!! I was sure it was going to be Ben, but they surprised me! The show can still sneak up behind me and yell "GOTCHA!!!" And I'm strangely okay with Locke being in the coffin. It wasn't my beloved Ben, and that's what matters.

EDIT--Boone, Charlie, and Libby: I didn't rewatch part 1. Is it true that they added a scene where Jack says they got off the plane and died on the Island? If so, do you think there's some significance to the fact that he mentioned those three rather than Ana Lucia or the others who died on the Island?

tv: lost, ben linus is a twisted genius

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