Doctor Who--The Doctor's Daughter

May 10, 2008 18:58

* Overall, the episode was a bit predictable, but I still turned out to be better than I was expecting.

* I found the people generator machine to be a bit over-the-top... not only can it create a fully functional human being (which I was okay with), it also apparently dresses them and styles their hair (which I thought was silly).

* Jenny is a good name for the Doctor's daughter. I can't wait for him to find out she's alive. When it looked they were going to kill her off, I was disappointed.

* Dear writers,

We KNOW by now that the Doctor and Donna aren't a couple. Stop telling us every episode. It isn't cute anymore.

Love, Angie

* I was pleased to see Martha acclimating to her situation so easily. I was disappointed that her friend died like that, though. Fail.

* Am I the only person who is hopes Jack and Jenny meet, and Jack hits on Jenny in front of the Doctor?

tv: doctor who

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