CSI and LOST (Spoilers)

May 01, 2008 22:50

I'll say this about it... Nick and Greg looked hot. And Nick looked even hotter when he was shooting the stun gun. And Brass was cool for what the little they gave him to do. But other than that, it just seemed like another episode. Maybe I'm jaded, but the show just isn't grabbing me emotionally anymore. I watch it for Nick and Greg, and that's it. I did like the suggestion that they were all going out to breakfast like the old days, though.

I did like SuperDave and the deer, though. :(

Okay, I'm still trying to get my mind around tonight's episode. Are the Oceanic Six dead? Are they alive? Is everyone on the island kind of sort of dead? I mean, Jack's and Claire's dad just shows up? Keep in mind, I'm unspoiled, and I'm planning to stay that way. So don't spoil me if you know something important.

Anyway, I just love Bernard. He's such a kind of comforting character, and I love it when they give him something to do. How cool was he as Jack's anesthesiologist?

And Jin and Sun? I love them, too. I totally knew Charlotte could understand them, and I'm glad Jin picked up on it. Daniel was adorable.

WTF is with Sawyer and Claire? If I had been a first time viewer tonight, I would have assumed they had a thing. But Claire... We see so little of her, and when we do see her, she's either carting around the baby or someone is asking if she's all right.

And WTF is with Miles and his weird power or whatever? I think I like him, actually, but I'm not sure what to think of him.

All right. I have to say it... Jack and Kate are incredibly boring together. And I'm not saying that because I'm a Sawyer/Kate shipper. When Juliet said he was going to pull through, a little part of me groaned. That's bad, I know. But he's like nails on a chalkboard these days. He's starting to veer into Michael Dawson territory for me. He comes on the screen, and roll my eyes.

Meanwhile, we got to see far too little of Sawyer, Claire, Sun, Jin, Bernard, and Daniel. And I really really missed Ben and Sayid. I even missed Locke a little.

Overall, this was a good episode, because it opened up some interesting ideas, and because we got glimpses of some of my favorite underused characters. But the Jack/Kate and Appendectomy!Jack? Meh.

Also, I wanted to post a link to this. Whoever made this did a nice job, and the song really suits them: Sawyer/Kate--Say Goodbye

tv: csi, tv: lost

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