Heads up--plagiarism

Apr 29, 2008 22:05

I saw this on my flist and thought I'd pass it along, since I've got a lot of Torchwood and Stargate fans on my list: A Torchwood fic writer has been caught plagiarizing fics from the Stargate: SG-1 fandom.

Because of this, stop_plagiarism is looking for help identifying any other stories the author may have stolen. If you know anything about Torchwood or Stargate fics, or if you have search engine mojo and can help track down the stories, cruise over here. The author's account has been deleted, but they have the stories cached, so you can still see them. I found one myself.

Plagiarism is ugly and wrong, and I'm kind of sensitive about it, because someone plagiarized my work in the JAG fandom a few years ago. It's a nasty feeling to learn that someone has ripped off work you spent hours or even weeks creating. So do the fandom a favor and help out if you can.

fandom: plagiarism sucks, tv: stargate: sg-1, tv: torchwood

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