TV Poll

Apr 01, 2008 22:53

Yayyyyyy!!!!!!! I just saw the preview to the new Criminal Minds episode, and I'm salivating. *salivates* I've been jonesing like crazy for a new CM! So this calls for a TV-related poll.

Now that writer's strike is over, some of the shows are trickling back. CSI: Miami is on right now, in fact. Not that I'm watching it. I have the TV on mute, and I randomly see Horatio or Calleigh moving around. It may be very exciting, but I doubt it.

Anyway, what show are you most excited to have back?

And in a related question, what canceled TV show do you miss the most? To be clear, I mean canceled shows in general, not shows canceled because of the writer's strike.

Poll TV Poll

poll: tv

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