Lorne poll

Feb 17, 2008 13:42

Here's my agenda for the rest of the day:

* Take a shower
* Class prep for tomorrow
* Meet Jessica at the movie theater
* Maybe get dinner out after the movie
* Put finishing touches on fic

But before I grab a shower, I need to satisfy my need for a Lorne fix. Honestly, having two whole weeks without significant Lorne sightings... *wibble* So I'm posting a poll to celebrate Major Lorne! (I'm really surprised I've never done this before.) There are two questions, one with radio buttons and one with everyone's favorite ticky boxes.

NOTE: I just realized I mistyped "Doppleganger." *headdesk*

Poll Major Lorne Lovers Poll

poll: kavan smith, actor: kavan smith, tv: stargate: atlantis, lorne and his dimples

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