Stargate: Atlantis--Midway (Spoilers)

Feb 15, 2008 23:00

I have a confession to make. Ahem. I am a Ronon fangirl. There. I've said it, and I'm not ashamed. I squee a little every time he flips a gun with his foot or walks away from an explosion or lunges behind a crate with guns drawn.

So this episode left a stupid grin on my face. The Ronon/Teal'c interaction was made of WIN! During several of their scenes, I found myself thinking that Teal'c probably understood what he had put Bra'tac through for all those years. CJ had just the right combination of subtle longsuffering, respect, and adrenaline as he interacted with Ronon.

And of course, their friendly sparring match was much fun!

I loved how Ronon pointed out Teal'c's propensity toward saying "indeed," and then later decided to use it himself. WIN!

Teal'c = Salisbury steak and tater tots = :D

And Teal'c's gun envy! Woot!

Ronon's interview with the IOA and his adorable grin at the end were love.

As for the other bits:

* I love seeing Dr. Lee boss Kavanaugh around. Lee is portrayed with so much more confidence and dignity than he ever was in SG-1.

* Yay for a Walter sighting!

* Sheppard in the suit was a little silly, but I loved Rodney's reaction when he thought he might've had to sacrifice him to kill the Wraith.

* Nice to see Sam and Teal'c connect.

* A blink-and-you'll-miss-her Teyla sighting. I'll be grateful to see RL on a more regular basis next season.

* NEXT WEEK: Teyla! Beckett! Lorne! And apparently, we finally get to meet Teyla's baby daddy.

This is definitely an episode I'll watch again!!!

ronon dex, tv: stargate: atlantis

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