I'm bored. I really should work on that Mal/Simon fic, but I'm worn out and haven't gotten my second wind yet. That, and I'd rather work on an SGA story. ;)
Anyway, I'm killing time by doing a guessing meme. I've done a meme similar to this before, but I'm using some different fandoms, have lots of new people on my flist, and I'm hiding the old one so you guys can't cheat! :p
1. Post 10-15 of your favorite fandoms.
2. Have your flist guess you favorite character from each fandom.
3. After a couple of days, make a new post with the answers and a line about why that character is your favorite (If I'm inspired, I might post pics).
I'm allowing myself two favorite characters on SGA. :p
1. Stargate: Atlantis
colonel_taisa (got both) and
indigo_wolf132. Torchwood
colonel_taisa and
indigo_wolf133. House
indigo_wolf134. Heroes
caderyn5. Star Wars
indigo_wolf136. Enterprise
indigo_wolf137. Lord of the Rings
8. Stargate: SG-1
indigo_wolf139. Lost
10. CSI
1. Post 10-15 of your favorite fandoms.
2. Have your flist guess you OTP from each fandom.
3. After a couple of days, make a new post with the answers and a line about why that pairing is your favorite (If I'm inspired, I might post pics).
NOTE: For a couple of fandoms, I have two OTPs. Also, one of my fandoms has changed, because I'm obsessed with a new couple.
1. Stargate: Atlantis (1 het, 1 slash)
colonel_taisa (got both) and
indigo_wolf132. Torchwood
colonel_taisa and
indigo_wolf133. House
colonel_taisa and
indigo_wolf134. CSI
colonel_taisa and
indigo_wolf135. Star Wars
colonel_taisa6. Lost
caderyn7. Stargate: SG-1
colonel_taisa and
indigo_wolf13 8. Harry Potter
colonel_taisa9. Firefly (1 het, 1 slash)
colonel_taisa (got both) and
indigo_wolf1310. Marvel Comics