Gut Reactions to "Be All My Sins Remember'd"

Jan 04, 2008 22:29

I'll probably watch it again at midnight, but here are my gut reactions:

Poor Kemp. He was a hottie.

I felt back for Rodney, given the pressure he was under and the accompanying dry spell. Lots of nice scenes between him and Zelenka. Is it me, or does Zelenka seem a bit more confident and assertive now?

I liked how Sam was portrayed in this episode. First of all, she rocked when she told Ellis off for disrespecting Rodney. Anyway, I liked that we saw her scientific background come into play, but that she didn't sweep in a solve the problem herself. Nice balance of science geek and leader.

Caldwell seemed subdued, but I loved his comment about working with the Russians after the Cold War. It was a small but nice character moment.

I'm glad they didn't drag out the moral implications of using Fran to complete the mission. When Rodney first cooked up the idea, that's what I feared would happen.

I'm still deciding how I feel about Larrin.

Okay, now for Teyla's pregnancy. First of all, I'm glad it's out in the open. John reacted pretty much the way I thought he would, and I don't think he was wrong to be upset. He's responsible for these people, and if anything had happened to Teyla's baby, he would have been devastated.

Anyway, I'm still less-than-enthusiastic about her having a child with a man we haven't met. Would it have killed the writers to show us a flashback of the guy or something?

The "Most Adorable Moment" of the episode was the interaction between Teyla and Ronon. Did everyone watching go "awwww" the way I did? I'm glad that Ronon at least has heard of this guy. I was just so proud of the way Ronon congratulated Teyla and got all supportive and cuddly. The hand-holding was made of win.

And there's Elizabeth! Or is it Replicator!Elizabeth?

Next week: LORNE! (And other stuff happens, too.)

ronon dex, tv: stargate: atlantis

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