Today so far

Dec 26, 2007 14:31

I just got back from having lunch with Jonathan. It's been a few months since last got together, so it was good to catch up with him. We talked about our lives, loves, old friends and careers.

Hee. I tried to explain Torchwood to him, but I think I threw him when I told him that Jack is omnisexual (or it might have been the Dr. Who references). He's used to me liking all manner of oddball things, though, so it's all good. We argued about who makes the better James Bond--Sean Connery or Daniel Craig, and we agreed that Johnny Depp's intensity gives him a certain hotness factor.

(I'm so totally going to see Sweeney Todd this week!!!)

Oh, here's a factoid: Jonathan is a public school English teacher in Manhattan. Very brave soul, let me tell you. Anyway, he revealed to me that he's been teaching an episode of CSI as part of his curriculum. Isn't that great? That was one of my previous oddball obsessions, and now Jonathan's using it in the classroom. :D

If he can get back this summer, and we can time it right, I'd like for him and me to go see a Shakespearean play over at Stan Hywet Hall in Akron. They do wonderful outdoor productions, and I know he'd enjoy it.

Also, I went shopping with one of my Christmas gift cards and Christmas money. I bought Star Trek: Wrath of Khan and... the complete series boxed set of Firefly! I finally get to watch the whole thing!!!

Well, I'm off again. Cheers!

life update

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