Life Update

Dec 22, 2007 00:02

Talked to Paul. We're getting together for lunch next weekend. He's been at off in Illinois these past weeks, so I'll be interested to see how he likes the area. When he first arrived there, he was lamenting the lack of diversity as far as restaurants.

I went out with Charity and her sister to "A Christmas Carol" tonight. Overall, it was a good production with impressive special effects. The narrator at the beginning, though? Terrible accent. *shudder*

What else? I'm still feeling tired and headachy tonight. I'm about to go in and make some beef barley soup and take some ibuprofen. Ow.

No word on whether my mom got in tonight or not. They might be picking her up Sunday. I want to bring her by so she can see the Christmas tree. She made every single one of the ornaments I'm using this year.

Okay, that's it. Some soup, some reading, a movie await me.

rl: holidays, life update

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