Sci-Fi Poll

Dec 06, 2007 00:21

This originated from a discussion I had with a group of fellow sci-fi geeks. I'm curious about my flist's opinion on the matter. Now, I do have to add a disclaimer. I know I let a lot of stuff out, but 1) It's 12:30 in the morning, and I'm tired 2) I'm more familiar with those shows that aired in the US. Note that the poll is geared toward TV fandoms, and I don't consider stuff like Heroes and LOTR to be sci-fi.

Feel free to comment with your whys and wherefores.

And yes, I know I left out Teal'c and Dr. McCoy. :p

EDIT: In case anybody's curious, my group today come to a consensus about the best movie sci-fi character: Han Solo

EDIT: It has been pointed out to me that I stupidly left Jack O'Neill off the list!!! He was supposed to be on there (in fact, he's my choice for the greatest male hero), but I must've left him off when I was alphabetizing. I can't believe I left my own choice off. *headdesk*

Poll Science Fiction Poll

sci-fi, poll

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