See Icon for Subject Matter

Oct 27, 2007 18:34

First of all, I've been waiting to use this icon for a long time. Bright spot!

Now the thing that's giving me a headache:

I've been involved in the Harry Potter fandom for quite a while, and though I've never written fic or posted much on message boards like I have done for other fandoms, I try to lurk and listen to people's opinions on various Potter-related matters. Of course, the recent outing of Dumbledore has wrinkled more than a few noses in the fandom, and as a result, there has been a lot of foot-stamping directed toward people who ship certain characters in slash relationship--primarily against those who ship Sirius and Remus. Why those two are getting the brunt of the backlash, I don't know.

For. Crying. Out. Loud. It never ceases to amaze me how passionately fans will defend the masculinity of their favorite characters, even to the point of picking a fight with a perfect stranger because that stranger likes slash or is willing to conjecture for the sake of discussion that a character might be gay or bi. Is this because they somehow feel threatened by the discussion, or do they just like to fight? Are they torqued off at Rowling for revealing Dumbledore's fondess for people who go the bathroom standing up? Do they want Remus to be their boyfriend? The last time I checked Remus and Sirius were make-believe characters. I'm pretty sure their feelings won't be hurt if a large chunk of the fandom wants to believe their are or were boyfriends.

This is why I prefer the Atlantis fandom. Most of the people I've run across are pretty much live and let live. (Group hug!)

PS: I have a RL friend who's ticked off that Rowling revealed Dumbledore's sexual orientation.

bigotry sucks, ship: remus/sirius, fandom: harry potter, fandom is crazy

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