CSI Commentary

Oct 12, 2007 09:18

I need a new Nick/Greg icon.

Grissom and his bees: Ah, there's my weird, bug-happy guy!

Sara: Okay, so what is actually going on with her character? I heard she's leaving the show, but she's still there... The swing shift crap sucked. They did that once, and no one liked it. Ronnie is an annoying gnat. Please tell me they're not replacing Sara with her.

Nick, Greg, and Warrick: Oh, I love these three. I got kind of spoiled by the Nick/Greg scenes last week, but I was glad to see Nick and Warrick buddy around. As for Greg, I would have run shrieking from the room if Grissom had asked me to go near those bees.

The ending: Creepy. Just creepy. At least Harold P. didn't start screaming "Waaaaaaallllt!"

Brass: Give the man something to do!!!!

tv: csi

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