Rapid-Fire Ramblings

Sep 27, 2007 21:15

Looks like my car is going to run about $600 dollars. They had to fix some sort of fan, some pipes, and a water bottle. They're also flushing my radiator. *headdesk*

Got a nap earlier. I must have slept a couple of hours. I definitely needed the sleep.

CSI premiered tonight. (YAY!) I missed the first few minutes, but here are my thoughts:

1) I'd like to say they surprised me, but they really didn't. I was pretty sure Sara would be okay, and she was. I'm pretty jaded on the whole "CSI in danger" thing. Like dexterette says, they need to actually kill one of them if they want to make it exciting.

2) That said, I'm glad Sara is still with us. Additionally, I'm pleased that the writers remembered her intelligence and had her attempt to leave a trail. It wasn't that bright to walk off into the desert with no idea where the exit was, but anywho...

3) I like that they let Nick be the one to find her. All of his scenes were brilliant. In particular, I appreciated the flashback to "Gum Drops." It placed Sara's situation in context: This isn't the first time one of them has been in mortal danger. Not so long ago, it was Nick, and he was depending upon Sara (and others) to rescue him. When he was looking for evidence of Sara's location, Nick must have realized the powerlessness everyone felt when he was buried alive.

4) Maybe it's because I came in late, but I didn't see much Warrick or Greg. I did see the scene with the hand restraints, and I did see Greg flying around in the helicopter.

5) Loved the scene between Brass and the car dude. Brass is such a joy to have on this show.

Overall, a good episode. Not a shocker. But still a good episode.

As for the previews... Did my eyes deceive me, or were Nick and Greg on a case together?

rl: car, tv: csi

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