Premieres--"Heroes" and "CSI: Miami"

Sep 25, 2007 10:16

Question for the flist: Michael Shanks will be on Eureka tonight. Yay! Unfortunately, my aunt and uncle don't have the Sci-Fi Network, so I can't watch it. :(

Does anyone know where I will be able to find tonight's episode on the web? I need my Michael fix!

Okay, first of all, let me get this out of the way: Eeeee!!!! David Anders!!!! Eeee!!!! How adorable was he?!? Yay!


Hiro and Kensei: I really enjoyed the chemistry here. David Anders was as charming and roguish as always, and Hiro's attempts to get him to live up to his hero status were sweet. It'll be interesting to see how this story develops.

Ando: I love my Ando. I have to wonder what he'll do know that Hiro is missing and Mr. Nakamura is dead. Will he attempt to unravel the mystery of who killed Hiro's father?

Matt, Mohinder, and Molly: Is it me, or are there definite slashy overtones between Matt and Mohinder? Matt is divorced and living in Mohinder's apartment, and the two are raising a child together. :D I have to say that Matt and Molly are the best things that could have happened to Mohinder. His character was languishing for me last season, but he really has chemistry with Matt. And yay for Matt passing his detective's exam!

Noah: How much do I love HRG? When he told his manager off, I squeed. I'm pleased that he is working with Mohinder to bring down the company. HRG is best when he's being proactive. I still love his relationship with Claire. He softens so much when he's in a scene with her.

Mr. Muggles: Woo! The return of Mr. Muggles!

Claire and West: I admit that I was suprised when I found out West has powers. I'm hoping he doesn't turn out to be a plant designed to capture Claire for some nefarious purpose.

Maya and Alejandro: I love them already! First of all, be advised that I have much love for twins who have powers. It's about time we got a set on Heroes!! Comic books are full of them, and the dynamic usually goes like this: One twin is the protector, while the other is unstable or fragile. For example, in the Marvel Universe, Northstar is the protector of his unstable sister, Aurora. Quicksilver is the protector of his nutjob sister, Scarlet Witch. I always wind up having a crush on the male twin, and I'm already on my way to crushdom with Alejandro. I'll be interested to see exactly how their powers work.


Dear Nathan,

Please shave.

Love me.

Peter: Strangely, I'm more excited about having him in Ireland with Holt M. and Dominic Keating than I am about the whole amnesia thing.

Great start to the season!

Horatio, Yelina, and H!Spawn: Horatio was actually tolerable this episode. Having Yelina and the kid around could be a good thing. Having Yelina stick around as a PI is in inspired choice.

But enough about that. Let's talk about Eric and Calleigh!

Eric, Calleigh, and that dorky guy: How much love do I have for Eric right now? He was tens shades of fabulous when he got all jealous about Calleigh's vacation with Jake. I am hoping for a throw-down between Eric and Jake as much I am some romance between Eric and Calleigh. Eric: "He has the same tan." I love it.

This is pretty rambly, but what can you do?

tv: csi: miami, ship: eric/calleigh, tv: heroes

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