(no subject)

May 25, 2007 20:19

Hi all! Time for a real update (if the computer lets me post it).

I don’t know how many people are still reading my journal, since I’ve been MIA from LJ. But it just doesn’t feel right to let a TV season end with me putting my two cents in. I also want to update everyone on RL stuff. :)

It’s a couple of days before Memorial Day as I sit and type this. Things are going okay in the personal realm. I’m writing again (quite prolifically), and was able to meet with my writer’s group on Wednesday. My friend Charity and I are considering co-authoring a story together for fun.

Being in Ohio has been good for the writer in me. Writing (other than fan fiction) came almost to a standstill while I was in the Cheese State.

Professionally, I still haven’t found a full time job with benefits, but the search continues. It’s all very frustrating.

That’s about it. I’ve been pretty busy spending time with friends and doing family stuff. This weekend, we’re having people over for Memorial Day. I’m hoping to find the time to get out and go to the zoo or something. I haven’t been to the zoo in years.

Oh, and I saw Shrek the Third. Not as good as the first two, but it had some funny scenes.

Now for my thoughts on the season finales of my favorite shows:

CSI: Overall, this season has been pretty good. It started out slow, but the show really got interesting and fun again. I enjoyed the build-up of the Miniature Killer story, and I thought this episode had some great moments.

That said, I have to admit that the ending didn’t really have the emotional impact I wanted it to have. When Nicky was buried alive in “Grave Danger,” I worried for him. Ditto with Greg and his legal problems. But somehow, I just didn’t get that edge-of-your-seat-short-of-breath feeling from Sara’s predicament. Maybe it’s because we all know perfectly well that she’s not going anywhere. Or maybe I’d just hoped for a gotcha moment. In any case, I felt that the ending didn’t hold up as well as the rest of the episode. Still, I’m looking forward to next season.

Heroes: Well, two of my favorites (Isaac and Ted) didn’t survive the season, but I didn’t expect the to, so bon voyage Santiago and Matthew. Thanks for a great season. *blows sloppy kisses*

As for the finale… What a great ending to a great season. I felt satisfied at the end, and I’m pumped for more. I knew Nathan would do an about-face and save his brother. Did anyone think otherwise? Now, I’m reasonably certain that both Petrelli brothers will survive. Peter could have used his telekinesis to shield Nathan.

Also, I’m not worried about Matt. He’ll pull through.

The addition of Molly to the cast has finally made Mohinder interesting again. I think the problem with him was early on, the writers kept putting him with characters he had not chemistry with. During the scene he had with Matt, Molly, and Noah (!!!!), he finally clicked. I think the character finally has his sea legs.

Anyway, the promise of next season has me giddy. Since the new volume is called “Generations,” I’m guessing we’ll get to see some background on how all of this got started. Maybe we’ll finally meet Mr. Petrelli!

Hiro and Ando are SO the couple.

CSI: Miami: Okay, most of the finale is a blur. The two things that stand out are:

1) Eric and Calleigh
2) The missed opportunity with Ryan

Eric so obviously belongs with Calleigh. I thought both Adam and Emily did a good job of communicating their characters’ yearning for each other. It’s funny. I was ready to jettison this show until I realized they were dangling the Eric/Calleigh carrot again. They know how to suck me in.

As for Ryan… They missed an opportunity to do something really different with his character than we have in other shows. Instead of inevitably (and illogically) bringing him back to the lab as a CSI, they should have let him remain a reporter. That would have presented a provocative conflict and given him a unique place in the CSI franchise.

NUMB3RS: So is Colby really a traitor, or is he a triple agent working for the US? My uncle thinks the latter, and so do I. It would actually be a lot more interesting if he were really working for the Chinese, but I’m nearly certain he’ll be revealed to be a good guy after all.

NCIS: I’m surprised Tony’s girlfriend lasted the season. I thought she’d die in some horrible manner in the finale and emotionally destroy Tony. I’m pleased to see that the writers are spending some time building up the relationship before they do whatever they’re inevitably going to do to poor DiNozzo next season. I actually like the woman. She’s spunky and passionate. Most TV girlfriends wind up being the nagging, hand-wringing damsels in distress.

I’ve enjoyed this season, despite my hit-and-miss work schedule (which only let me see about thirty-five minutes of each episode). The one thing I’d really like to see though is for Clayton Webb to turn up in an episode or two. I miss my sarcastic spy.

CSI: NY: Wonderful finale. Everything was tied up in a nice little bundle, and we can start next season wherever the writers would like. I loved the Mac/Stella/Sheldon adventure. Stella kicks so much ass.

And of course, I loved the Adam/Danny hostage situation. (Flack looked so worried.) Adam has become an interesting character, and I’m pleased to see he’s getting ample screen time. I just hope he NEVER becomes a field CSI. Leave my beloved Adam in the lab.

I do have one problem with the episode. That would be Lindsay. I don’t care if Danny and Lindsay are a couple. It’s not my cup of tea, but I’m fine with it. What I want to nitpick about is the way she was relegated to standing in the crowd, worrying about Danny. Now, we all know that if Lindsay had been held hostage, he would have snuck around back and tried some half-ass rescue attempt. But in Lindsay’s case, she basically did the same thing Peyton was doing. She stood there and played the worried girlfriend.

This is what often happens to female characters when they are paired off with main male characters. I’ve seen it happen so many times, and that’s one of the reasons I’m wary about on-screen romances in shows like this. The relationship tends to become the dominant part of the female’s character.

LOST:This was probably my favorite finale. It was SO much fun to watch.

First of all, I have to say that I love love love Ben. He’s become one of my favorite characters on the show. This shouldn’t surprise anyone, because I have a thing for complicated villains. And he’s just so creepy cool. There is so much more we need to learn about him, and I was so thrilled he survived the season.

When the episode first started, I was pretty sure Jack was being depicted in a possible future. At first, I thought it was Sawyer who had died, but I don’t think no one would come to his funeral. Perhaps it was Ben? And Jack cried for him because Jack realized he was right about not using the radio to call for aid? I mean, he desperately missed the island, and who knows how many people actually came home. Ben’s really the only person who would 1) have no mourners and 2) elicit the cold response from Kate. It could be Locke, but I think he’d have mourners.

Anyway, I loved Hurley’s burst of heroism.

Aw, Mr. Friendly’s dead…

Okay, I’m over it.

And Charlie. I honestly expected Desmond to take his place somehow and save him. I’m glad he didn’t, though, as I love Desmond to bits. Of course, I was certain Desmond was toast last season, but he survived… Maybe Charlie will come back?

Locke is starting to annoy me. What say we let Ben shoot him again?


Much love for Bernard and Rose. *squishes them* It makes me happy to see an older couple used so well on the show.

I can’t decide if I want Kate with Jack or Sawyer. I SO appreciated Juliette’s slash-friendly remark when Sawyer asked if she’s slept with Jack. “No, have you?”

Favorite lines:

Ben’s response when Alex complained to him about putting Carl in a cage: “I didn’t want him to get you pregnant. I probably overreacted.”

Bernard to Rose: “I’m a dentist. I’m not Rambo.”

Okay, that’s it for now. I apologize for not keeping up with my flist, but I’m still on a slow computer, and the graphics take forever to load.

PS: If you want to contact me via e-mail, use my gmail address instead of my yahoo address. (See my User Page).

tv: csi: new york, rl: update, tv: csi, tv: lost, tv: csi: miami, tv: heroes, tv: ncis

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