Didn't I Just Go Through This Last Year?

Aug 13, 2005 01:47

Anyone who makes fun of the fact that I'm listening to Kenny Loggins-->

I'm sitting here at almost 2:00 AM, looking at university web sites. It has occured to me that all the wonderful research I've been doing into PhD programs this summer has gotten me NOWHERE, and I will be applying to these schools in a few months. Guh!

I'm still toying with taking a year off and going home to Ohio. I do think I'm going to apply to a couple of Ohio schools, too. They might not be my first choices for PhD programs, but they would put me back in the old neighborhood.

I'm in love with William and Mary, though.

Yes, caderyn, I have a one-track mind! ;)

life update, rl: phd

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