Leverage Squee--The Real Fake Car Job

Sep 02, 2012 23:03

Nate working behind a bar seems to be a kink of mine. Huh.

All this talk of building things and normal lives. I have so many feelings about this and Sophie's convo with Nate and her convo with Eliot, but I can’t express them right now.

Eliot tugged at my heart when he told Sophie about opening a restaurant and all the normal, boring things he envisioned in such a future. He’s so much like the old gunfighter who just wants to retire and put his past behind him.

The character interaction has been amazing this season.

Eliot and Sophie. Their dynamic is easily one of my favorites on the show. They relate to each other in such a beautiful, provocative way. Loved the creepy act they put on for the Marshall and Sophie’s fascination with Eliot’s old life. The little bits there were freaky-cool: Eliot giving Sophie tips about rope, Sophie’s interest in his old life, Eliot talking about burying bodies.

I don’t think Nate is as motivated by the past as Sophie thinks.

Love Matthew Lillard. So much.

I love that Eliot intervenes in Parker’s and Hardison’s relationship, lol. In my head canon, everyone talks to him about their relationship, and he gives them advice. Sophie has gotten him up at 2 in the morning at least once.

Eliot’s hair looked fabulous tonight.

And once again, thank you Nadine Haders.

The good stuff? He has orange soda flown in from Mexico? LOL!

I love Nate, Parker, and Hardison were all “DRIVE! GUNS!” And Sophie just strolled casually out the door after them like she was leaving a shoe store.

Nate has cred with the mob again. Love.

And I love that the fake car show is so successful that people won’t leave.

Great lines:
Sophie: “Are we being suspicious enough?”

Eliot “Don’t use that. For future reference, you can chew right through it.”

Sophie: “I’m tired.”

Eliot: “You’re tired? Must be all this fresh air you’re breathing.”


tv: leverage

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