THE AVENGERS!!!!!!!!!!! (spoilers)

May 10, 2012 15:49

I just got back from seeing The Avengers.

SQUEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This rocked so hard. I don't even know where to start. Let's see... This movie has so many Geekgasm moments.

Let's start with Hawkeye. Now, for those of you who don't know, I'm a major comic fangirl. I even did my Master's Thesis on comic books. Hawkeye is one of my all time favorite characters. I was waiting for Marvel to screw him up, but I thought he translated well to the big screen. I was SO EXCITED when Natasha reacted as she did to his being compromised. I was afraid they'd ignore their bond. And I LOVED THE FREAKING ARROW TIP SELECTOR. And Clint on the roof, and the shot of him surrounded by the other Avengers and pointing an arrow in Loki's face.

And I loved Black Widow. I was leery about how they'd handle her, but they stayed fairly true to her background. And the way she took out the guys during the interrogation. And the scene of her being chased by the Hulk. And her throw down with Clint. GUH. I SO MUCH want a team-up movie that shows her and Clint's backstory.

My one complaint about Hawkeye is that there simply wasn't enough of him. I realize that he was brainwashed for the first chunk of the movie, but dammit, I wanted more of that scene with him and Natasha or something else that would have given him more time to shine.

MARK RUFFALO IS THE BEST BANNER/HULK EVER. I want a movie with him stat. Mark Ruffalo is one of my favorite actors anyway, but he did such a wonderful, understated job as Banner. Talk about a Geekgasm moment: "That's my secret, Cap. I'm always angry." And just everything. I love his rapport with Stark. I loved the weathered tones to his voice. Just amazing. And some great Hulk moments. "Puny god." And punching Thor. And catching Tony. LOVE.

Thor and Loki!!!!!! I LOVED that Thor still embraced Loki as a brother and wanted to save him even while stopping him. LOL at "he's adopted." AND THE HULK TRYING TO PICK UP HIS HAMMER! I kept waiting for Cap to pick it up (he can in the comics). And kudos for remembering Jane Foster even though she wasn't in the film.

And CAP. CAP. I loved that they stayed true to the character's value system. And his verbal sparring with Tony. LOVE. That scene where he started giving out orders and everyone fell into line? Gave me shivers. THAT is Cap. I have other FEELINGS, but I might get to those later.

TONY. Just beautiful, as usual. I loved the exchange between him and Cap about heroism and Tony's subsequent act of self-sacrifice. I love his jealousy of Agent Coulson ("His first name is Agent.") and his desire to avenge his death (SOB). Just amazing.

And Agent Coulson... SOB! WHEDON! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was totally unspoiled for this movie, and it came as a shock when Coulson died. He was BADASS. I love his confrontation with Loki, the big gun, his willingness to sacrifice himself for the cause, the trading cards. Everything. Of course, the good news is that no one stays dead in comic books. BUT STILL.

Overall, I loved that they stuck to the tried and true "heroes meet, beat the shit out of each other, then team up" formula. It made my fangirl heart happy.

Right. So I need to upload my Avengers icons.

And basically, I ship everyone. (I've shipped Clint/Natasha and Tony/Steve for years, though, to be fair.)

movie: avengers

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